Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stray Flapping Thoughts

Stray Flapping Thoughts can be difficult for me to pin down so I don't often try. At other times something comes that could be worth reading. This is something I wrote recently, while in Belarus.

It is for Belarus. Written by Anita
"There is no simple way to describe you. Your cold is more then just the weather, your harshness is more then just the environment. Your buildings in their sameness ring true of all that is here. An emptiness that creeps into the core of every being and all those who come to your grey land. The pain of loss has become a way of life that drives everyone to destruction. The destruction of self, the destruction of others seems to be the only form of interaction here.

What will lift you out of this bottomless self pity? You exchange one form of oppression for another as if the fear of being oppressed drives you from escaping it. Survival in this grave lies only in the ability to dig another grave. Your people have no individual form and no colour to draw them into life..."

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